Let’s face it: the past several months have been far from “business as usual.” And despite this fact sometimes we insist on doing the same things at the same pace, with the same standards as before. This attitude only leads to stress and dissatisfaction. That’s why today we would like to share some ideas to help entrepreneurs take it easy as parents.
Be Patient With Yourself
Patience is the name of the game when you try to navigate difficult situations. And this patience must begin with you. Accept that it may take you more time than usual to complete some tasks. Understand that is normal to feel overwhelmed and go through moments when your mind simply needs time to process new information. Being more patient with yourself is the first step towards being more patient and tolerant with your children.
Learn From Your Mistakes as a Parent
You would think this would be conventional wisdom by now. The truth is that when under stress we tend to focus on our own irritation instead of paying attention to our mistakes. If you make a mistake as a parent, reflect objectively about the situation instead of feeling guilty or exasperated. When you identify what triggers certain responses, you are more likely to stay on top of the situation the next time around.
Find Time to Laugh
If you are an overachiever who aims high (as most entrepreneurs are), this may be difficult, but finding time to laugh is essential to your overall wellbeing and to your duties as a parent. Laughter can defuse any stressful situation and help your children reframe the way they deal with obstacles. This is an excellent way to teach them how to shift focus to put problems into a more realistic perspective.
Finally, a simple tip (it’s just one word!) that can be difficult to put into practice: Rest. It’s easy to lose sight of your own wellbeing when you are juggling so many responsibilities. However, the key to helping others is ensuring that you have the energy to help in the first place. Don’t run on an empty tank. Make sure you get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, eat healthy food, and talk to someone you trust from time to time—emotional balance is just as important as physical wellbeing.
At the Pomona Chamber of Commerce, our mission is keeping you up to date with the most relevant developments in business management and administration so you and your company can take advantage of new opportunities. Contact us today by email (info@pomonachamber.org) telephone (909-622-1256), social media, or click on this link to join and start enjoying the benefits of membership today.