A Message to U.S. Bank’s Customers and Shareholders
Thank you for your interest in U.S. Bank’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. We understand that our customers trust us with their personal information and that our success is dependent upon retaining that trust. That is why our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct has been in place for many years and, although revised from time to time, continues to serve as the cornerstone of our business.
Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is more than an expression of our commitment to integrity. It represents the guiding values of our organization and helps to instill ethically sound behavior and accountability among all U.S. Bank Employees. We diligently educate employees about our standards and provide opportunities to ask questions or report concerns. Every employee, including me, certifies compliance with our standards annually. We hold one another accountable because we understand that our reputation is fundamental to our success. To underscore our commitment to ethics at U.S. Bank, we have appointed a Chief Ethics Officer with responsibility for the oversight of all aspects of our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.