With the COVID-19 outbreak, video calls have become an essential instrument for workers everywhere. And while this new medium has provided companies a way to maintain their operations, workers often feel oddly exhausted after spending entire days talking with people on their computer screens. From breathing exercises to a mental alternative to multitasking, these are some tips you can put into practice today to avoid video-call fatigue.
Make Sure to Take Breaks Between Calls
If possible, make sure to take breaks between video calls so you can relax and recharge. Many may find it hard to believe, but video calls require a physical effort. You need to assume a rigid position to stay in frame and exaggerate your body language to ensure that you are conveying your ideas effectively. All this takes a toll on you, so finding the time to relax and unwind between calls is a good way to increase both your productivity and your wellbeing.
Try to do some exercise or a mild physical activity during your breaks. You may choose to take a walk around your home, do some jumping jacks or a stretching routine. Shifting your focus from a screen to your body will make you feel invigorated and free your muscles of any rigidity that may have built up during the day.
Breathing exercises are another way of relaxing between video calls. Paying attention to our breathing puts us in contact with ourselves and places us in the here and now. One of the most basic breathing exercises consists in closing your eyes, relaxing your body, and breathing deeply as you count to ten and feel the floor beneath your feet.
Avoid Multitasking
While multitasking during a video call may make you feel productive, it actually has the opposite effect. Doing many things at the same time puts a strain on your brain that results in feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. To avoid this, try to consciously shift your attention from one task to the next. This approach may actually increase your productivity while staving off mental burnout.
More Resources to Navigate the Virtual Workplace
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our work habits in unexpected ways. These are some previous posts you can check out for more ideas to deal with the challenges of the “new normal.”
- How to communicate more effectively at work
- 4 Ideas for entrepreneurs to take it easy as parents
- How to conduct successful webinars
- Adapt to new consumer trends with these ideas and tools
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