Reopening your business can be complex, and communication is one of the most important parts of that process. Effective communication ensures that all the parties involved in the reopening of your business know how what to expect and how to act in any given situation.
Follow these guidelines to communicate effectively with your employees, your customers and your vendors as your business resumes activities.
Update your team about any relevant changes. You will probably have to move workstations, stagger shifts or close common areas in order to reduce social interactions. Communicate all these changes as well as any new sanitation procedures. You may consider using signage or posters to remind everyone about the proper way to wash their hands, wear a mask and cover their face when they cough or sneeze.
As your business reopens, customers expect changes, so make sure that all relevant modifications are communicated in a way that is clear and concise. These are some tips you can keep in mind:
- Use multiple channels (emails, social media, signage, messages posted on your website)
- Underline that your customers’ health is a priority
- Create a document with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and post it both in your facilities and on your website
As with your employees, it’s a good idea to display posters that remind your customers about the importance of wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and avoiding to touch their faces.
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted supply chains, so it’s a good idea to establish a communication channel with your providers. Get a clear picture of their situation and determine if they are able to satisfy your immediate needs. Be open to consider other options if your current providers have problems filling orders right now.
In all cases, strive to be clear and consistent with your message. This will help you make the reopening process less stressful and more straightforward.
At the Pomona Chamber of Commerce our mission is keeping you up to date with the most relevant developments in business management and administration so you and your company can take advantage of new revenue opportunities. Contact us today by email ( telephone (909-622-1256), social media or click on this link to join and start enjoying the benefits of membership today.