The pandemic is taking an unprecedented toll on our collective sense of well-being. Here are three ways to put mental health front and center as you pursue your professional goals.
Be Grateful
A growing body of research shows that gratefulness promotes better mental health and greater happiness.
It’s easy to see why: when we count our blessings instead of focusing on the bad, we realize how lucky we are and begin enjoying what we have instead of feeling frustrated by the things we lack. Try gratefulness today: set aside ten minutes to make a list of the things you are grateful for.
Set Clear Boundaries
Knowing how to set clear boundaries is essential to finding fulfillment in any area of your life. However, this skill has become particularly important now that more people than ever are working from home. When you work from home it’s easy to lose sight of the boundaries between personal and professional life. Here are some tips to help you create a positive work/life balance:
- Have a dedicated workspace
- Set hours and respect them
- Schedule time for yourself
- Don’t answer work emails or calls outside of work hours (unless it’s an urgent matter)
Prioritize Sleep
When we feel worried, our sleep patterns often become irregular. This is a slippery slope that may end up with you sleeping only a few hours at night. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation affects working memory. This in turn creates more problems in your everyday life, which further affect your sleep patterns. Make sure to get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night—when you prioritize sleep, you prioritize mental health.
More Tips and Ideas
From returning to the office after the pandemic to the right structure for your business, these are some previous posts you can check out for more ideas on how to lead with confidence:
- What is candidate ghosting and how to avoid it
- 4 Ways to Get Employee Input
- The one digital marketing hack every small business owner should know
- Choosing the right business structure: a quick guide
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