Burnout has been a recurrent topic of conversation since the pandemic first hit. However, after 18 months of distress and fatigue, it may be time to take more proactive measures to address this problem in your organization.
Adjust Your Culture
Management experts agree that burnout has more to do with the culture of an organization than with the resilience of any single employee. This means that you have the power to prevent burnout in your team—all you have to do is adjust your culture accordingly. The next two points can prove invaluable in enacting these changes.
Stay Connected
Today more than ever, it’s essential that you stay connected to your team. On the one hand, a sense of community can be a powerful antidote against burnout. On the other hand, open communication and honest feedback are essential to the creation of a more positive culture. Be receptive to your team’s suggestions and be prepared to address some of the following issues:
- Lack of autonomy
- Unrealistic expectations
- Unclear office politics
- Lack of support
- Excessive or insufficient workload
Know the Signs of Burnout
Applying the approach outlined above will help you be proactive about burnout. But what about the cases of burnout that may be already taking place in your organization? According to the World Health Organization (WHO) If a member of your team displays the following behaviors, chances are good that they are suffering from burnout:
- Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
- Increased mental distance from one’s job
- Feelings of negativity or cynicism related to the job
- Reduced efficacy
If you believe that one of your employees is dealing with burnout, approach them to discuss their concerns and find solutions together.
More Tips and Ideas
From returning to the office after the pandemic to the right structure for your business, these are some previous posts you can check out for more ideas on how to lead with confidence:
- What is candidate ghosting and how to avoid it
- 4 Ways to Get Employee Input
- The one digital marketing hack every small business owner should know
- Choosing the right business structure: a quick guide
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