Whether it’s picking up clothes from the dry cleaner or writing a report, remembering to carry out key tasks is a crucial aspect of business. With that in mind, today we show you how to leverage new technology and old methods to never forget the things you need to do
How To Never Forget The Things You Need To Do
With so many things to keep in mind, it’s easy to lose track of the tasks on your to-do list. But don’t worry: the below tips will help you stay on top of everything.
- Most smartphones nowadays allow you to set reminders. To learn how to do it, just Google “how to set reminders on” + your smartphone model.
- If you have a voice assistant, you can set customized reminders for any task you need to remember.
- Another alternative is to download a reminder app. While there are many alternatives, Google Keep is one of the most popular. In addition to setting reminders, Keep also allows you to take notes and create checklists (if you want the reminder to appear on your laptop browser, you’ll need to authorize pop-ups).
- When it comes to Apple products, the Reminders app is the go-to choice. The Apple ecosystem enables a lot of cool features, for example, any reminders you set on the Reminders app will also appear on your Apple Watch, if you have one.
- Email services like Gmail and Outlook have an associated calendar where you can set reminders. )If you install Google Keep, any reminders you set will automatically show up on your calendar too.)
- If you are not into tech or apps, sticky notes never go out of fashion. Put them in places you see often, such as your desk, your laptop, or your nightstand.
- A printed calendar/organizer is a good way to remember to change your filters without having to rely on electronic devices.
- Probably the most effective approach to never forget something is by mixing strategies. For example, put a sticky note on your nightstand and set a reminder on your Google Calendar or the Reminders app.
For more ideas to stay organized, check out our previous blog, “Timeboxing: What You Need To Know”
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