4 Reasons to Avoid the Multitasking Temptation

With a lot of people working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak, multitasking seems more tempting than ever.  We are bombarded with stimuli every day, from social media updates to breaking news on our cellphones and TV, so multitasking seems like a logical response. Actually, there are many good reasons to avoid multitasking, even when it seems so promising.   -Multitasking is Stressful  The…

4 Strategies to Be More Resilient

Resilience is a skill that will be key in the weeks to come. Whether homeschooling our children or dealing with the challenges of remote work, our ability to deal with obstacles will make a big difference in our everyday lives. Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity or…

5 Ideas to Work From Home

Given the ongoing situation, a lot of people are working from home for the first time. Some workers thrive under this conditions, while for others it may be difficult to adapt to such a radical change. These tips will help you make the most out of your time working from home, so you can stay…