Image of man in front of computer illustrates blog: "How to deal with your inner critic"

How to Deal With Your Inner Critic

You are probably familiar with your inner critic: that nagging inner voice that likes to nitpick at everything you do. We all have our own inner critic, but what to do when it becomes too intrusive? Here are some strategies you can use. Stop Ruminating “Rumination” is the technical term for those moments when our…

3 Benefits of Kindness in the Workplace

3 Benefits of Kindness in the Workplace

The idea of a ruthlessly competitive workplace may make for great works of fiction, but in real life it can actually be detrimental to your organization. Kindness, on the other hand, offers a host of advantages that no organization can ignore. From greater creativity to improved performance, here are three benefits of kindness in the…

How to Find a Mentor?

How to Find a Mentor?

A mentor can be a career-changing figure who can help you achieve success and fulfillment. But how to find a mentor? Here are three simple strategies. In Person When you know in real life the person you would like to have as a mentor, things are a little easier. Odds are that you already have…

Image of people on video call illustrates blog:How to Conduct Job Interviews Remotely

How to Conduct Job Interviews Remotely

Experts believe that remote work is here to stay, which means that virtual job interviews will become commonplace too. Here are three things you can do to conduct job interviews remotely and make the most of the process. Overcommunicate the Essential Information If a job interview usually generates anxiety in candidates, this effect is usually…